Come and be ONE

Spectacularly beautiful new venue

This is probably the finest location we've ever found

A gorgeous country estate set in mature parkland, surrounded by ancient oaks and stretched out along the banks of the river Avon

Re-connect with Friends & Family, be nourished with love, replenished with laughter and inspired by a fantastic collection of artists, musicians, speakers, designers, performers, saints & sinners, lovers & GIVERS

Only 500 guest tickets in total

On our tireless quest for the perfect place to throw a party we might just have hit the jackpot!

Download the poster

Dress: GOLD & FUR

  • PYJAMA PARTY - Pyjamas & Onesies - Saturday 12:00 House of Honey Marquee
  • POONIE'S GOLDEN PICNIC - GROUP PHOTO Gold & Fur (bring a picnic blanket) - Saturday 17:00 In front of the House
  • ANIMAL PRINT PARTY - Anything animal print - Sunday 12:00 House of Honey Marquee
  • MAD HATTER'S TEA PARTY - Wear a Mad Hat - Sunday 18:00 Mad Hat Tea Tent

"And we danced too wild, and we sang too loud, and we hugged too hard, and kissed too sweet,
and threw back our heads and howled just as loud as we wanted to howl
because by now we were all old enough to know that what looks crazy on an ordinary day
looks a lot like love in the moonlight"
- Pearle Cleage

Pimp your camp

We'd like to encourage every group of friends to create something special at their camp; a structure or installation, flags, a shrine; anything, that gives you the chance to make something fun, beautiful or silly with the friends you're camping with - Awards will be given for the best & the most entertaining!


Please bring a few small, thoughtful treats - bracelets, badges, crystals, sweets to give away to random people you meet over the weekend


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