GIVE! is a little slice of HEAVEN ON EARTH
So you don’t actually have to dress up at all - just turn up and you’ll ALREADY be a Heavenly Creature!
However, your exuberant participation in the collective outpouring of resplendent, creative costumery will, without doubt, bring even more transcendent beauty to the whole ecstatic experience.
Think: Angels & Goddesses, Birds of Paradise, Peacocks, Mermaids, Tropical Fish, Centaurs & Unicorns - that type of thing...
And remember: the theme and colour are more GUIDELINES than RULES - It's a party - wear what you like - The more wild, weird, revealing and culturally diverse the better!
Group Photo
SAT 17:00-18:00
in front of the House
Dearly Beloved. . .
Whatever your age, gender, race or creed, GIVE! is our opportunity to celebrate that which unites us rather than divides us; to go beyond division, rediscover our common humanity and to explore the best in each other.
. . . Let us Play!
"Through cultivating inner peace, genuine World peace can be achieved. In this the importance of individual responsibility is quite clear; an atmosphere of peace must first be created within ourselves, then gradually expanded to include our families, our communities, and ultimately the whole planet."
H.H. The Dalai Lama

Bring stuff to GIVE away
Please bring a few small, thoughtful treats - bracelets, badges, crystals, sweets to give away to random people you meet over the weekend
LOVE is the target
KINDNESS is the arrow
Clean, funky clothes - to donate or swap?
If your clothes no longer become you, they should be coming to us...
Too wide for your strides?
Too small for your dress?
Too pissed for your platforms?
Not looking your best?
One person's fashion faux-pas is another person's fashion delight...
Start thinking 'spring cleaning' and clear out your 'beloved-no-longers' ready for Give. You know which ones they are and you know they’re going to look better on someone else - you never know what might replace them!
Proceeds to AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL (in memory of Richard Taylor)