Coeur D'Afrique
Ma Soeur - Mon Coeur
Coeur D'Afrique Ben the Bee (bio)
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Dedicated to my sister Poonie - Incandescently beautiful music from Mali, Kenya and the Congo with an emphasis on kora and guitar

Inspired by the people I met and the sounds I heard at the Rift Valley Festival in Kenya last year & sailing in the Quirimbas Islands off the coast of Mozambique...

"The wind had dropped and the huge, patched sail slowly unfurled as the crew heaved on the old hemp ropes and raised the single boom to the top of the creaking mast. We sat in the sail's shade and headed out to deeper water and the distant sand of our next island.

The first dolphin was a distance away but soon others were curious and came, glistening smooth and sleek, to jump across our bow. After a couple of hours following the line of the coast we dropped anchor and fell into the sea to glide over the coral heads and dip down to greet the clown fish tickling their bellies in the fingers of soft anemones. We ate, and drank bottled sodas and set sail once more. The creak of the dow and the gentle sound she made as she cut through the clear, sparkling water, the delicate rustle of the sail and the low murmur of lazy voices cast a spell on the hot magic of the afternoon.

Later, standing on the shore, with the wading birds, and the plovers and egrets and herons and the yellow billed stalks gathering in the shallow water between us and the open sea, with the sky turning pink and the sun setting over the wide mouth of the river, I look back on the day and find my eyes full of tears and my heart full of calm."

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