A privateer with a classic musical background who soon discovered that there was more to music than just crotchets and semibreves.
Organised events such as Hiatus, Unconformity and Aorist in the early 90s, then became soiled and nearly went to seed until a chance invitation to play at 'Shhh...you know what' - has subsequently burrowed further Underground.
Favourite Food: Roadkill.
Gigs have included; KY, Bar Humbug @ Glasto, Golden Delicious, SRI, Impasse, Tongue & Groove, Gold Rush, Fruition, Maison du Chien, Blue Marlin, Aura, Farinet (Verbier), Expedition, Cantina, Clubhouse, Mix, Privilege and Chambre Neuf (Chamonix), as well as undisclosed locations in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Paxos, Havana and Thailand.
Continues to operate undercover, often back-to-back using such accomplices as the Evil Agent, Bobby D and the acclaimed idiot “Randy”, a right old Wrongie . .